Condensed Milk Cake

Sometimes the craving for cake hits you, and you scramble around your kitchen to find that the only thing remotely close to satisfying your urge for a slice of cake is a near stale butter croissant you bought for breakfast 5 days ago.

It’s in situations like this that I have a cohort of quick recipes that I can use to whip up something yummy. This Condensed Milk cake is one such recipe. It literally requires minimal ingredients, time and effort. It will also utilise that can of condensed milk you’ve had sitting in your pantry for a while, whilst you work out why you bought it in the first place.

It literally requires minimal ingredients, time and effort.

The texture of this cake is quite a dense, however it’s taste is the opposite, light and refreshing. It goes well with a cup of tea or coffee, and you can easily add a berry compote or coulis of some kind to add extra sweetness.


So lets begin!

Prep time is around 15 minutes
Cooking time is approximately 35-40 minutes
This recipe should serve 6 generous slices. 


1 can condensed, sweetened milk (approx. 400g)
4 eggs
150g plain flour
1/2 tsp  baking powder
50g melted butter + 1 tbs for brushing the Cake tin



Begin by preheating your oven to 180°c, gas mark 4, and line a round cake tin with baking parchment and grease sparingly with some butter.
1.Whisk together the eggs, flour, melted butter and baking powder until mixtures is well blended .
2. Add in the can of conduced milk and continue to whisk until cake mixture is a smooth pale yellow colour before pouring into the prepared cake tin.
3. Bake for 35-40 minutes (depending on your oven), remove and leave to cool on a cooling rack.  Dust with icing sugar, serve with compote or coulis and enjoy!


6 comments on “Condensed Milk Cake

    • Thank you! If you do try out this recipe please let me know how it turned out. You can send me a picture hashtag #cakesthebiscuit on Instagram or @cakes_biscuit on Twitter 😊

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